We are so excited you’re considering the SexyFit® Nutrition Challenge!
When you’re movin’ and shakin’ and learning and doing one of the first things to go on the back burner is your health.
It can be so darn hard to keep up with the demands of life and have time to eat well and supplement and get exercise and do the things to take care of yourself in order for you to continue to grow.
And that’s precisely why we offer the SexyFit® Nutrition Challenge.
Whether your body’s been feeling tired and sluggish and you’re holding onto weight you shouldn’t be, or your thoughts have been foggy and lethargic and you’re having trouble keeping up with the demands of life, I’ve got just the thing to get you started.
Our philosophy is based on a highly nutritious eating plan that naturally slims you down, and combines fun, moderate exercise, proper supplementation & self care.
We developed this program out of our own desire to feel great and understand what I’m putting into my body. It’s important to us to know what foods & lifestyle make us feel our best. How to have a strong immune health, energy, glowing skin and to look & feel vibrant and healthy.
We want to get better with age and not buy into the belief that we gain weight and lose energy, fitness & vibrancy the older we get. Carmen just turned 50 this year and Vicki turned 59, and we both feel better than when we were 27—it is possible!
From our own lifestyle and what Carmen has been coaching clients on for the past 20 years, and Vicki for the past 11 years, we created a fun and informative 33 day program to help you find your most healthy, happy & vibrant self.
If you’re looking for a program that will help you feel better than ever, we I encourage you to join. You’ll be glad you did.